Ok, so my brother made this, here it is:
Knock knock. Who's there? Chicken. Chicken who? Chicken garbage!
Ok I know it makes no sense, but he made it when he was like 3.
Me: Knock knock.
Orphan: Who's there?
Me: Not your family.
Joke 1# "Knock, knock." Who's there? "Pastur." Pastur who? "Past ur bedtime."
Joke 2# Why does a slug always win a race? Because its components always stop for a break.
Joke 3# Your momma's so fat when she stepped on the scale it said, "I asked for your weight, not your phone number."
Knock knock...... Who's there... not stephen hawking
Why did the serial killer cross the road? To get to the victim's house.
Knock, knock. Who's there? The serial killer.
Knock Knock Whos there? Youre adopted
Orphan:whos threre?
Knock knock whos there kid kid who kidnap you
knock knock whos there discord server discord server who this server is dead bye bitchs I got better thing to do than wattch you sit here and type like a sloth