
Kick Jokes

i saw a girl crying i told her where are your parents She cried more after that i got kicked out of the Orphanage

my dad is really angry at me for kicking the balls, hes the one that told me always aim for them, is that why i dont have a brother

-the emo went 2 give the tree a high 5 but the emo was left hanging - how did the gay person die? homocide -why did the emo get kicked out of the amusement park? he was cutting in line - when does a joke turn into a dad joke? when it leaves and never comes back -I cried when my dad chopped onions. onions was such a good dog -I have happy memories building sandcastles with my dad, until my mom took his urn away -how is the person over there different the cancer? his dad didn't beat cancer

I hope u like this it took 5 minutes to make. what's_up also has good jokes to favorite him/her/them plz

Q: why was barbie kicked out of the toy box A: she sat on pinocchios face and siad "lie to me

There is this boy in my year , he is in a wheelchair so I kicked a football at him and pushed him and so then I shouted ROCKET LAUGE

how to kick a deaf person off the plane step1 pretend to yell and get some friends to do it too step 2 tell your friends to raise both of there hands step 3 hes out of the plane on a parachute.

A blonde, burnette and a red-head are running from the police. They come across an old shack, with three burlap sacks. They each hop into one of them. The police come and kick the one with the burnette in it. She goes, "Mew, mew." The police say, "Oh, it's just a bag of kittens." Then they kick the one with the red-head. "Woof, woof." They think, "Oh, it's just a bag of puppies." Then they kick the one with the blonde in it. She goes, "POtaTOES!!" And gets arrested.

Why did the cowboi die wit his boots on?? He didn’t want to stub his toe when he kicked da bucket😂😂👌🏻👌🏻.. knee slapper


Why can orphans give all you people posting all these stupid orphan jokes over and over again a good kick in the face?

Well what are you gonna do tell their parents?

ps. Stop posting stupid orphan jokes over and over again.