bro yo mama so fat Thanos had to clap her out of existence
Did you hear about the orphan that tried to high five a tree it left her hanging
Nana when Zane kisses her in her mind: [Insert Chiwawa Scream!]
Yo mama so fat when the doctor saw her weight on the scale he said "I asked for your weight not your phone number"
My wife told me she was fat and depressed. She asked me to compliment her, so I said, "You have perfect eyesight!"
Your mama is so ugly, she summoned Bloody Mary.
She handed her an application through the mirror.
Your mama is so stupid, her phone died so she buried it in the backyard!
I went up to my mom and asked how humanity started. She said it started with monkeys, so I went up to my dad and asked. My dad said it all started with Adam and Eve, so I told my dad that mom said humanity started with monkeys, and dad said mom was telling her side of the story. LOL🤣
Your mama is such a hoe! It took her 4 attempts to pass her driving test. She couldn't get used to the front seat.
Your mama is so fat. Even God couldn't raise her spirit.
Your mama is so fat. Guys have to bring climbing equipment to have sex with her.
Your mama is so stupid. We were playing catch, and I told her to go deep. She grabbed a shovel and dug a hole.
Your mama is so fat and stupid. She got hit by a school bus. Her reply was, "Who threw that Twinkie at me?"
Your mama is so fat. Her high school picture is an aerial photograph.
Your mama's breath smells so bad, people can't wait for her to fart.
Your mama is so ugly, her reflection ran away!
Your mama is so ugly, her shadow got a restraining order.
Your mama is so fat. The wall couldn't support her picture.
Your mama is so fat by the time I swerved to miss her with the car I ran out of gas.
Your mama is so old her first Christmas. She was a Wisemans +1