
Hate Jokes

I recently became the coach of an orphanage baseball team Because I hate dealing with parents.

i hate school, i mean why CAN'T you pull out a 12 gauge and shoot everyone including the teachers?! this generation is to soft man.

I don't understand why people hate it when they hear a dad joke. they are actually pretty funny. and i will show you y. (shows a picture of the letter Y)

If I died and went to heaven, do you think I’d be friends with Prince? The only thing that makes me want to stay alive more is the thought that Prince would hate me.

Hey guys, I just wanna say I say what happened to Kanye, he is one of my favorite rappers and he’s going through a hard time. I don’t see why people can’t just spread love and kindness like me💕

I think that Kanye was right to say what he said, I completely support him and I don’t understand why people hate on him for using his 1st amendment and Yeezy should be sued for it.

Quote of the day: love bests hate as for hate is the killer of friendships-Collin Kaepernick

I was making love to this girl and she started crying. I said, “Are you going to hate yourself in the morning?” She said, “No, I hate myself now.” – Rodney Dangerfield

dentist: open up sir

me:so..i hate my life my family my sisters my dog my cat and i tried to take a bath with my toaster but my dog took it that's why i hate my dog and my cat died trying to chew my rope it choked.....yea

dentist: i.. meant your mouth .. so i can clean your teeth

me: :O ohhhh my bad

dentist : do u need help??

me: yep


me: ....