I hate my wife.
I Hate My Wife
The humor comes from the unexpected declaration of hate towards his wife, which is usually not something people openly say. This creates an uncomfortable and darkly funny scenario, especially if the audience has any background knowledge about the poster or their relationship status. It plays on the taboo of publicly admitting dislike for a spouse.
Cahyani Ambara
That sounds like a YOU problem. (Advice : You and her should get divorced.)
George W. Bush
you're right Megan, fuck laura
Queens In The House
that is just so sad
sigman freud
i too hate my wife
Cahyani Ambara
Use the advice on comment 2, ok? (I feel RLLY bad for the man.)
I hate my life
I love your wife
George W. Bush
So you're the one i've seen in my garden recently...
This is me
Same here, that's why I turned her into a Servitor.
Master oobway abway
If ur woman doesn’t cook u should slap her with a book
I don't care
I don't remember asking about your problems