1. What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?
A dino-snore!
2. What is fast, loud and crunchy?
A rocket chip!
3. Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?
Because she was stuffed.
4. What has ears but cannot hear?
A cornfield.
5. What did the left eye say to the right eye?
Between us, something smells!
A man sacrificed children who played Roblox so when someone knocked on the door, they said "An administrator has banned you from heaven"
Billy got a bike and a soccer ball for his birthday from his uncle, but he was very upset. Why? Because he has no legs.
What has 10 wheels & flies? A Garbage truck.
I think my penis has facial recognition
Have you ever walked into stephen Hawkings house. Yea neither has he
my life, ha ha funny
What would a man say to flirt with a woman that has a big butt? You are so butty – ful!
If someone has a gun and tries to shoot you just say “hipity hoppity that gun is my property.
A depressed man has been thinking of killing himself and his friend says "Find jesus instead he'll help you!" and than the man says "It's pretty hard to 'get help' from something that doesn't exist".
imagine this senario: a doctor walks in and tells the patient that he has all the illnesses in the world like this: "you have depression, diarrhea, cancer,... etc" and then the last one on the list is that he is deaf.
How do you know if an Asian has broke into your house? Your dog is gone. ;)
What’s the difference between me and a bakery shop?The bakery shop has cake😞🎂
What’s the difference between being a genius and being an idiot? Being a genius has it’s limits
You're so bald, United Airlines has asked for permission to land.