I’m going to reenact the ending of Saw (2004), except I won’t stand up and shut the door.
why cant orphans go to the store ? because they throw everything around
Yo momma so fat, when she gets in an elevator, it HAS to go down
Maybe you should go on eBAY to see if they have a life for sale
My mom go take out the trash but I couldn't find you
I meant to say what’s an orphans least favorite store to go to? Family dollar store
Where does a Pencil go to vacation Pencil Vania
During Halloween, my friend went as a skeleton. He refused to go into the haunted house. Looks like he was SPINE-LESS.
you so black when you get near the sun we go into a Solar eclipse
What happens if a redneck is bisexual do they go for their brother or sister
If you're ever bored, punch an orphan. What are they going to do? Tell their parents?
i saw a kid in a wheelchair and i screamed EXTREME PARKOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!
imagine if the kid in a wheelchair was in fast and furious his wheelchair is the only one that keeps him going
Ok so I have a joke for you,go look in the mirror and when you realise come back to me and tell me.
Hey guys, its Hailey here.
Ima start off with henlo ;-;
I know you guys aren't going to believe me because of the assholes who were faking to be me, but if you can try to believe me, I'll explain.
So, Jake. We can't really be together anymore, since we no longer can chat. I'm so sorry.
Basically, my parents caught us on here as you realized. Yayyyy.
I don't have time to say anything else. So I've gotta go, but thankyou guys for everything you did for me.
Also, You won't get any response from me so yea. So sorry guys ;-;
your hairline and your forehead must have a lot in common because, they go waaaaaaaayyy back
This year I'm going to name my Christmas Tree , Amy Winehouse , because when it dies it will leave needles all over the living room
Tell someone that your gonna say “I 1 poopoo” and it will go in order of numbers, so they say, “I 2 poopoo” & so on:
You) I 1 poopoo (Them) I 2 poopoo (You) I 3 poopoo (Them ) I 4 poopoo (You)I 5 poopoo (Them) I 6 poopoo (You) I 7 poopoo (Them) I 8 poopoo (And be like, “You ate poopoo??! EWW!!”)
Have you ever heard of the Russian politician who was so afraid of the dark, that instead of going to the bathroom at night, he would use a metal tin that he kept underneath his bed? His name is Vladimir Pootin.
there was one kid that came home from school and asked his mom what dark humor was? she said well son do you see that guy over there across the road, go give him a high-five. Son said but I can't see. mom said that's the point
Why do orphans like boomerang more then there parents? The boomerang comes back
One day I saw a kid cry so I go. Let's go find your parents. I miss my job at the orphanage
why do orphans get lost on boats? They can't find the home room