
French Jokes

There are 3 men: an American, a French and an Italian who have to take a trip and take the plane. The American puts his hand out the window and says: "We are in America, I touched the Statue of Liberty", the French says: "We are in France I touched the Eiffel Tower", the Italian says: "We are in Italy, I touched the garbage!"

A French, a German and an Italian make a race to who resists the most in a room full of flies. The French starts, which after a quarter of an hour comes out. Then goes the German, who comes out after an hour. Finally the Italian enters who comes out after five hours. The French: "But how did you do it?" The Italian: "I killed one." The German: "So what?" The Italian: "And then they were all busy for the funeral!"

The Average French Car has 7 Gears, 6 of which are in reverse mode just in case the Germans come back

I was excited to finally watch the new documentary on Netflix. It was about Pessi’s UberEats career. In the trailer Pessi delivered food to French farmers. I watched the documentary and got shocked when I found out how finished Pessi is. He delivered one Pizza in 44 attempts.

He was walking in the city as he was walking in the city as he was walking in the city as he was walking in the city as he was walking in the city as he was walking in the city hall in french and then on his way to be a good friend of the situation in the city as he had been fixed in a few hours of the situation in which he was walking i will never shiver at the sight words

what is the difference between a cunnilingus and a confused Parisian tourist? One lapses into french, the other frenchs into laps.

Best way to kiss someone is to lick inside thier mouth with you tounge a lot of times and they will really like it espacilly me!! - lizard kiss+ french kiss= SloBbY Kiss

Thanks for learn and getting advice

also dont be such a horny one

I find it difficult to count to ten in French: un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept. I can't say the next one because I have a huit allergy.

Person 1: How smart are you? Person 2: Really smart Person 1: Ok. If you have 3 ghosts and take away 2 how many are left? Person 2: 1 ghost is left Person 1: Wrong! 0 ghosts are left because ghosts don't exist!!!

One knight, a king and a queen went fishing. They each caught one fish so how did three fish end up in the bucket?

One "Knight"!!!

English: Toto is at school and asks if he can go to the bathroom. The teacher says no. Then, she asks Toto, “Where is the biggest river in the world?” “Under my bench,” he replies.

French: Toto est à l’école et demande s’il peut aller au salle de bain. La maîtresse dit non. Puis, elle demande à Toto, “Où est le plus grand riviere du monde ?” “Sous mon banc,” il répond.