Your forehead is so big that it couldn’t handle a acute angle.
What is the difference between you and iron man.You have a wonky hairline.
Your for hand is so big it looks like I did a drag back of fifa
Jelianis forehead😈
what's 2+2= FORE
Your forehead so big that we may as well call it a fivehead
your forhead so big i could use it to get free tv
yo forehead so big u look like aeri
Your forehead so big, Jupiters moons look up to it. If you shined a light on it, it would reflect and be a star in the Andromeda galaxy. Your forehead so big, its the main foundation for the wall of China. Your forehead so big, it makes up half of the Milky Ways mass. Your forehead the reason why the Earth still spins.
Your forehead so big that Michael Jackson could moonwalk across that b*tch
Yo forehead so big that when I asked vegeta how big it is, he said “IT’S OVER 9,000!”
yo fohead is so freaking big but not bigger than my bbc👀😏
Your forehead is so big your inner thought echo
your forehead so big you could roast meat on it.
Yo forehead so big, NASA needed it for the new planet stupid
Your forehead is so big your soulmate didn't even want you
Your forehead is so big Mastermind got jealous
Your forehead is so big and shiney it looks like a solar field
Your forehead so big a hole state could fit on it