What's a skeleton's favorite meme? Ken Bone
What's a delinquent mittens' favorite sport? Badminton
What’s a teacher favorite tree
A geometry
What is a rabbit's favorite type of jewelry? Carats
What is a Mexican favorite type of dog.A Chihuahua
What is Stephen hawkings favourite shampoo- head and shoulders
What is a cow's favorite party game?
Moo-sical chairs!
What is Beethoven's favorite fruit?
A Ba-na-na-na (To the tune of Beethoven's 5th symphony)
Q: whats a pedophiles favorite place to eat? A: schools because there is a wide variety of choices.
What is Stephen hawking favorite lunch-eggs and shoulders.
What’s a pedophiles favorite shoe? White vans
What's Stephen hawking favourite food - meals on wheels
You know chords right? Well You know what I love to do? To play with A-minor. You know, feel your fingers on A-minor. Gives you a sence of power, to just F A-minor.
But thats not my favorite thing to fiddle with. That would be the D of minors. It's Just solid, you know. If you're clever you can have the D of minors into the C of minors. Or though a bit tricky the D of minors ito the B og minors.
And at this point you've gotten the point and if i want to continue it would be a bit of a stetch
whats a pedophiles favorite place to go in? Kum and go
My favorite instrument? the TromBONE, of course.
What is Hitler's least favorite month?
What's a pedophile's favorite part of a hockey game? Before the first period starts.
What is a cannibal's favorite restaurant?
Five Guys.
What's a cannibal's favorite dessert?
Lady fingers.
What is a physicist's favorite food?
Fission chips.