My girlfriend dumped me, so I stole her wheelchair.
Guess who came crawling back.
My girlfriend dumped me, so I stole her wheelchair.
Guess who came crawling back.
My gf dumped me, so I took her wheelchair.
Guess who came crawling back?
Little Johnny walked into the bathroom while his dad was taking a dump. As soon as Little Johnny walked in, his dad let out a big FART! Little Johnny said, “WHAT WAS THAT?” His dad said, “That was the sound of the north wind.” The next day his teacher asked the class, “What’s the direction of the north wind?” Little Johnny raised his hand. The teacher called on him and he said, “TEACH IT’S MY DADDY’S BOOTY!”
Boy: "My girlfriend didn't dump me, I dumped her..."
Off the nearby cliff.
What do you do after your girlfriend with two broken legs dumps you?
Take her wheelchair, she'll come crawling back.
My girlfriend dumped me today. Apparently, I don't stand up for her in fights. I don't care. She used to push me around all the time.
I went to the dump truck today, and my wife said, "Thanks for visiting."
What did Jeffrey Dahmer do after dumping his first boyfriend?
What does a cannibal do after he dumps his girlfriend?
He wipes his butt.
my girlfreind dumped me; so i stole her wheelcar and guess hwo came crawl back
What do you do when you get a boy named Jackson? You dump him.
My boyfriend dumped me guess who came back crawling for his zimmer frame.....