MagicianJoshua10 months agoWhy did Daveon decide to become a magician? Because he wanted to make his problems 'daveon' disappear.
JobJoshua10 months agoWhy did Daveon get fired from his job at the orange juice factory? Because he couldn't concentrate.
LightbulbJoshua10 months agoHow many Daveons does it take to change a lightbulb? None, he prefers to stay in the dark.
DoctorJoshua10 months agoWhy did Daveon go to the doctor? Because he was feeling 'daveon' in the dumps.
DoctorJoshua10 months agoDaveon says "Oh wow, she's so beautiful." The doctor then says. "Yes, but sadly, your wife didn't make it..." Daveon then states "Give me the one my wife made then!"
LineJoshua10 months agoDaveon is so straight, he thinks a straight line is the shortest distance between two points and nothing else.
SomethingJoshua10 months agoI asked Daveon if he ever considered trying something new, and he replied "why fix what ain't broke?"