What do you say to a guy with Down syndrome who’s on Top of a sky scraper , jump
What do you call a kid with down syndrome who plays basketball?
A boy with Down Syndrome was talking with his mom.
“Mom, why did God make me like this?”, he said
“It’s because God made you special.”, she said.
“Just kidding, I was only talking about your needs.”
When you cream pie a tardy hottie, it’s called a loaded potato. 🥴🦴💨🥔
What number is better; 46 or 47? Idk, ask the kid with Down syndrome.
Were do Down syndrome kids go shopping downtown
Why do downs kids blend in in geometry.
Their foreheads are angled.
I met another kid with Down syndrome the other day attempted to talk to him. But my mom showed up and was asking me why am I talking to the mirror.
Why did the downs kid get expelled? He was always tardy
What do u call a downy under water
Dead fish
whats a person with downsydroms fav detergent downy
My friends mother thought a kid who had autism and downsyndrome. He called him a “double down”
How did the guys with down syndrome split the dinner bill? They all made a down payment.
My syndrome may be down but my hopes are always up
This shit is disgusting but funny