Life's full of ups and downs :D <3
I have a dog named Syndrome.
But it gets kinda awkward when he jumps on someone and I have to shout, "DOWN SYNDROME!"
Went home with a woman last night. I was greeted at the door by a Mongrel.
I say Mongrel, it was her Down syndrome son trying to process if I was a stranger or not.
What is better to have, autism, Down syndrome, or ADHD?
What is better, autism or Down syndrome?
My friend asked which is better to have, and you have to choose: autism or Down syndrome?
Which is more disabling, autism, ADHD, or Down syndrome?
Which of these is the smartest; also, list them too: Is it autism, Down syndrome, or ADHD?
Which one gets bullied the most, autism, Down syndrome, or ADHD?
Hello, which do y'all think is more embarrassing to have, is it autism or Down syndrome?
Would you steal 20 dollars from a stupid 6 year old kid with Down syndrome who can't talk and make ah ah ah noises, or get one dollar for saying the N word?
Down syndrome sucks!
Which is more disabling, is it autism or Down syndrome?
I lost my virginity to a girl with Down syndrome.
I want my first time to be special.
How do you know someone has Down syndrome?
they’re doing better than you
Why don't you see black people with Down syndrome?
Because God doesn't punish someone twice.
What do you call a fat downie?
A couch potato.
Why do animals cross the road?
Because it is funny, do you say "dogs" and "cats?"
Wanna see my pp again?
I'm upset, but when I saw you, you never let me down.