What did the North tower say to the south tower? "Sorry, can't talk, got to catch a plane."
Wanna hear some famous last words?
"We are just experiencing some turbulence."
Why were the Twin Towers knocked over? Chuck Norris was leaning on one of them.
Titanic was sinking.
Passenger: "How far are we from land?"
Captain: "Two miles."
Passenger: "Which direction?"
Captain: "Down."
What do you get when a cow is caught in an earthquake?
You get a milkshake!
My sister reminds me of 911: one moan of "OMG" got everyone's attention.
Titanic: "And I'm nominating everyone on board for the Ice Bucket challenge!"
What type of lettuce did they serve on the Titanic? - Iceberg.
Who are the fastest readers?
911 victims. They went through 88 stories in 7 seconds.
What do terrorists do on 9/11? They have a game of Jenga.
How do you know that the U.S. sucks at chess?
They lost two towers.
Q: What did the iceberg say to the Titanic?
A: I'd hit that.
What pool never runs dry?
The one on the Titanic.
Where did Sally go when the bomb exploded?
Why are Americans bad chess players?
They lost two towers.
Who are the fastest readers in the world?
9/11 Victims, they went through 89 stories in 7 seconds.
What was the last thing to go through the heads of the 9/11 jumpers?
Their ankles.
Women are like Tornadoes
They scream when they are coming and take your house when they are leaving.
What do women, tornadoes, and hurricanes have in common? They all get the house.