Why are handicap signs blue? Because they're all crips (sorry)
Steven hawking walks into a bar, the bartender says... WAITTTT WHATTT
whats a person with downsydroms fav detergent downy
what do you call a guy in a wheelchair smoking weed?
a baked potato
I know a girl in a wheelchair. I realize why now she couldn’t do sports because the coaches wanted 100% from her,but she was only able to give 50.
Where can you find the freshest vegetables? A school for the disabled!
What do you call a group of ethnically diverse disabled people? Seasoned vegetables.
Hey guys Billy has this weird disability where when he has sex with someone he says there name really loud. Billy-Hey guys I just got back from my DADS!! Wait what Billy??
To the man in the wheelchair who stole my camouflage jacket: you can hide, but you can’t run
a boy got a soccer ball and a bike for Christmas. Why is he sad?
He doesn’t have legs
how do u properly eat a vegetable you tip over the wheel chair
Why is stephen hawkings in hell? He couldnt get his wheelchair up the stairway to heaven
What did Steven Hawkins wife say to him having sex ? Your wheelie good at this
Why can’t Helen Keller have kids? A: She’s dead.
How am I an ableist? My ex girlfriend was in a wheelchair and we lived in the same old building with a broken elevator. I ended the relationship by moving to 8th floor.
How did Stephen Hawkins make it up the stair way to heaven? Well he didn’t they invented an elevator