Why can’t organs have a family bag of chips
Because They have no family to share it with
What's the difference between a gun and chips? When you bring it to class, everyone starts wanting to be your friend.
Why can't fat kids play poker?
They eat all the chips.
How do cookies 🍪 give three cheers?
Chip chip hooray!
Bully: your so short u hand-glide on a chip
Short person: welll at least I don’t look like a Giraffe that just came out of an oven
What is Stephen Hawkings favourite crisps
Micro chips 😂
Q: When a chip gets popped what happens to it?
A: it gets pooped out of the bag
Jack and jill went up the hill to fetch some chips and sweeties No he cant keep his heart rate down And shes got diabetes
Why was the cookie angry? Because someone ate the chips!
What do you call a lazy potato chip? Lays!
how do you put a baby in a blender feet first so you can see it's facial expressions how do you get the baby out with a tortilla chip
What's a benefit of being an orphan? The chips always come in a family size :)
What do orphans call a family photo? A Selfie