Why do cheetahs always get 100 on a test?They’re cheetahs!
i am soooooooo cute like harish i lo
herishy me lava u why did u leave mee wahh wahh baby sharka doodle do to to babyyy cutie pie...
Travis has baby hands
Why don’t you have a pet cheetah
There cheetah you
When did the cheetah stole from the bakery ? On black friday !!!
Why does cheetah always lose in a test because he is a cheater
bnb dcnb cbf
I'm a turd
Why did the ion always lose at go fish?-Because he was playing with a cheetah
Why are cheetahs Big cats cause they poo and purr
you cheetah
no you lion
Hansume cheetah e Cel Cheetos
You guys are crazy