What do you call a retard that got hit by a car? Mashed potatoes
"I had raped the game young, you can call it statutory." - Kanye West in 2009 (Forever with Drake, Eminem, and Lil Wayne)
The guy called up to the orphanage then he asked where are the kids faces and then another guy said sorry there’s no homepage
What do you call a bunch of retarded preschoolers? Tater tots.
Friends call me crack miser, whatever I snort. My brain starts to distort! I'll be in court.
Why do prepubescent orphan girls love pedophiles? Because they get to call someone “Daddy”
What do you call the musical kid who is very aware of his surroundings?
C sharp minor.
How do you call a very good lemonade?
what do you call it when panera bread gets painted red
panera red
What do you call a doctor in panera bread
panera med
What do you call it when a man is scared in Panera Bread?
Panera dread.
what do you call it when a man wants food in panera
panera bread serving food
What do you call it when a man gets high in Panera Bread?
Panera sped.
what do you call it when a person dies in Panera Bread?
Panera dead.
what do you call it when you sell panera bread in your shed
panera shed
What do you call it when a guy named Fred enters Panera Bread?
Panera Fred.
what do you call it when you are very sad in panera bread
Panera Dread
Elmo in 2022 is called "Tickle My Balls Elmo."
What do you call two terrorists standing next to each other with there dicks out?
The Twin Towers
what do u call a emo with knife cuts on their wrist a barcode