
Bullying Jokes

Bully: have u ever heard of a brain

Stupid kid:no

Bully: u should go get one

Stupid kid: wwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

My friend just got hit by a car and is now in a wheel chair, he is getting bullied but I don’t understand why he just can’t stand up for himself

if your ever down one day just go to the orphanage and bully a orphan because what is he going to do about it he has no parents.

Bad joke: Why is it easy to bully orphans, Because what are they going to do, tell there parents

I went up to a orphan bully and I said"here look I made a website" the orphan likes it but the kid says"I forgot one feature tho.the home button.

Bully: ur momma so fat that the whales said we r family even though ur a little bigger tah us

Nerd: yo momma so ugly tat when she went in the bathtub the water jumped out
