WORLDWIDE RAP: Takin’ a Battery Park tour in Calgary, a Mali rapport and a factory in Lahore in an Annapolis store, Calgary's core, went to Nairobi’s floor and visited Valerie Moore, then bought some Shanghai decor and got salaries in Seoul’s war, studied the Vatican’s lore, wanted to see Manhattan’s allure and visit the Galilee shore to check Napoli’s score, a tragedy in Warsaw, Palmyra before, check out the cavalry corps, went to a Bali resort, a Madrid encore but had to take a Hackney detour.
Has anyone else ever been jealous when their laptop dies?
Do you know why they call me battery saver I get turned on when it’s below 10
Why did Stevan Hawkins die so soon...
Because his misses bought the wrong battery’s
Okay what do you call that purple thing your mom's top dresser drawer that she calls her best best friend so for some weird reason? Dad better look out from Bob battery operated boyfriend hahaha
The fact that am high won't stop me from advising u😳😳 Don't plug ur phone while charging it is very dengeros 🤣🛌
My battery lasted longer than your sad, depressing life.
My foot itches.
What happens when a battery commits a crime? They get charged!
Why didn't the boy like his Christmas presents? Hint: They were a soccer ball, bicycle, and running shoes.
What's the difference between my sister and my phone? I don't give a damn if my phone dies.
Police arrested two kids yesterday. One was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one, and let the other one off.
I get jealous when my phone dies.
Battery 1%.
I take one last look at Earth as my suit runs out of power.
What's up guys! Quandale Dingle here (RUUEHEHEHEHEHEEHE) I have been arrested for multiple crimes (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH) including: Battery on a police officer (WHAT), Grand theft, Declaring war on Italy, and public indecency (RUHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE x2 speed). I will be escaping prison on, MARCH 28TH! After that I will take over the worl
Why did Stephen die so early?
He didn't use long lasting batteries.
My bum hurts
They say Jesus walked on water.
That's nothing. Stephen Hawking ran on batteries.
"Batteries, batteries, who the batteries in your remotes and everything else you got in your house is turned upside down?"
Emo: Phone die) Emo: Why not me ;(