My friends were the pilots on 9/11, they told me, "Bro, chill, it's just a prank!"
That forehead is so tall it can eat a plane! Open wide!
You know, people should really stop making fun of 911....both my parents died.
One driving one plane, and the other driving the other.
A collection of 911 jokes.
What kinda pizza did they order at 911?
What was the color of 911?
What is the fastest way to see 911?
"September 11th plane driving classes for free."
What did the helicopter say to the mountain?
I want to be a pilot.
What do you call a war dodo named Bob in WW2 and he came from Mars?
Bruno Mars.
My uncle died on 9/11. At least he died doing what he loved, flying planes.
What's 9/11 survivors' least favorite NFL team?
New York Jets.
Why were the Twin Towers upset? They ordered Domino's but got jets.
I wrote a joke on MH370... but I don’t know where it went.
The pilot that hit the pentagon must suck at sex because he missed the hole
Control tower to Boeing 747, you're clear to land on (said person)'s forehead.
Whats the difference between a bird and a fly? A. A bird can fly but a fly cannot bird
What do you call a woman in a fighter jet to the right of the president?
An escort.
What is Satan's way to go to places? A helicopter.
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Malaysian Airlines Flight 303!
A pilot is having a talk with one of his passengers. The passenger asks, "Why did you become a pilot?" The pilot replies with, "To face my fears." The passenger then says, "You're afraid of heights?" "No, I'm afraid of dying alone."
Me dozing off while driving.
Everyone else on the passenger plane: September 11, 2001.