why is calculus called calc? because you need a calculator. lol
you walk into an area that has big asses on the wall and they fell lifelike so you put your dick into them and you go on the opposite side of the wall and women are naked through the wall
What's the difference between my dad and my step dad? My step dad beat my ass before he left
my dick said that your ass is having a boner
I was arrest for eating to much crack on accident. How? My sister came into my room shoving her ass in my face
sing I was riding my bike down the road! When a car started comin, I started runnin It put me in a crash with my elbow through my ass. ;)
A bear and a rabbit are taking a shit in the woods. The bear turns to the rabbit and asks do you have any problems with shit sticking to your fur and the rabbit says no So the bear wipes his ass with the rabbit
What do you call a green camel.
My parents left me.
What do you call a cross between a priest and a child? The cross shoved up the priest’s ass as he ‘downward dogs’ the kid.
roses are red violets are blue...i fucked your mothers ass and she had you
Did you sit in sugar? Because you've got a sweet ass.
What did the canible do after he dumped his girlfriend Wiped his ass
What is the reason for the first time since I've seen a lot to be desired in the morning to you, eat ass...
Jake Paul is some ass
So I made a simple cancer joke on roblox with my friend an then both hers dumb ass friends we're like, OMG WHY WOULD U SAY DAT? YOUR HORRIBLE!! THAT PISSED ME OFF like damn woman it's not like I said, IF PEOPLE IN YOUR FAMILY DIED FROM CANCER THAT MEANS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE ALL DUMB ASSES. If anything they are actually dumb asses but hey. Also they can't talk. They don't know that I'm abused everyday at home and pressured to get good grades or else I'd get my head bashed against a wall till there is blood. So if they are reading this, SUCK MY ASS BITCH
Hey girl is that a ass seen on TV cause I buy it
Yo mama so fat she got arrested for carrying 10 pounds of CRACK.
Why does my cheating ex-wife wear a colostomy bag?
She lost her ass playing poker...
Heil Kyle