
App Jokes

Jack and Jill went up the hill so the can fetch some pee jack fell down and broke his whole body Jill just laughed and didn’t care so now they have a daughter

Pls like this I worked hard on making jokes I even have app that u can see all of my jokes but I am not telling u hehe.

Most annoying thing... When we send something in What's app thinking our friend is online but can only see two grey ticks...

hey gwen, listen, i know your on this app. fake or not. I love you either way. please, find this faker and finish her off for whats she's done, real Gwen.

*your a real best Gwen*

if yall look up freshfry jokes ill come up, abt a year ago i had a bunch of friends on this app

Best pick up line EVER.

there is a app on your phone called ringer go into it there is a 12 to 15 digit number enter that into my phone my dick will get 12 to 15 inches longer

I was on a website doing homework, and there was this funny a$$ commercial banner saying: "Eat a bag of Dick's" It was the funniest $h8 ever! blob:chrome-untrusted://media-app/04b6442d-df5c-4ee5-947f-ffa055c5b59a