If Hillary and Biden got locked in a room together, all they would talk about is how to ruin America and make a plan to steal children.
Wife: Honey! Do you like tea? Husband : No, I like after "T"! .............. It means: the letter "U" : you!
America , ..Amefrica,... Amfrica, ......Africa......................................
Donald: "If I lose this election, I will leave the country."
Joe: "Bi den"
I was watching the local chief police in America, he said, "We will never forget 911." I thought, "I should hope not, it's your phone number."
Why is 1 equal to 22?
4 is too busy and one has the 21s to 4!
A police pulls over a Mexican man trying to get into America. The Mexican man comes up with some sob story and the police say, "All right, all right ok," says the police, "I'll let you go if you can come up with a sentence that has the words green, pink, and yellow in it." The Mexican thought about it long and hard for almost 45 minutes and then the police says, "Ok ok let's hear it" after waiting impatiently. The Mexican said, "Ok ok don't rush me. I'm ready." The Mexican replied, "Ok when my phone green green, I pink it up and say Yellow!"
Where are crackheads from?
What do you call an emo kid's suicide live stream?
America's funniest home videos.
why did itsfunneh go on the road she so draco looking at car then the car runs over him sad draco
Why do fat cows eat fat cows? because I wrote this in america
Me playing a game...... what did God just stop are hearts cause we didn't kill each other
Like if that was good
What do you call a bee that lives in America? A USB.
One day, two Chinese people with broken English go to America. When they arrive, they go to a small place to eat. When they look at the menu, they see "hot dog," but since their English is bad, they think it's literally a roasted dog and order it. When it comes back, they're both surprised, and one of them asks,
"What part of the dog did you get?"
As the coronavirus pandemic strengthens... Trump - "Quick, inject yourselves with bleach" Also Trump - "I order everyone in America to wear a face mask except for me"
A guy once went hunting at a Hunting Ranch owned by a Hunter and his Wife .After a long day of hunting, the hunter enjoys a couple of cold ones in Rancher’s Living-room .There they were having a grand ole until the Rancher’s wife walks in .The Hunter looks at her and says “that’s a nice piece of ass you got your self there”,The Rancher replied “(with a harsh southern accent from years of cigarette smoke)You’ve never been so right in your life ,honey why don’t show our guest your tits”,.She agrees and then shows the hunter her plump DD cup breast.After he gets a good gander he says “Nice”,then Rancher shouted “show em yer peker now Hon”,.She agreed and whipped out a 13inch Johny ,and twirled it around like how an Elephant would move his .Now dazed and confused the Hunter yells out “What in Sam Hill is that!!”,and the Rancher replied “Now....Lemme tell you..There ain’t a thing like it”.
Trump said: Let's make America great again. Translation by democrats: Let's fake America again.
Mother: Who do you like more, me or your dad?
Liam: I like you both.
Mother: Ok, if I go to america and your dad goes to paris, where will you go?
Liam: I will go to paris.
Mother: That's means you like dad more.
Liam: No, its because i like paris.
Mother: Ok, fine, if I go to paris and your dad goes to america, where will you go?
Liam: I will go to America.
Mother: Why?
Liam: Because I have already gone to paris.
Bald Eagle
Dad Sad Bad Rad Nad Tad Glad Clad Plaid Had