When you get mad, just punch an orphan. Who are they going to tell? Their mom?
If you have anger problems, hit an orphan, because who are they going to tell? Not their parents.
Why does Michael Jackson do positions with kids in photos? Because they won’t do the same for him.
What's the difference between a penis and the bible? Nothing, the priest shoved them both down my throat.
What's the number 1 cause of pedophilia?
Sexy kids.
What do pedophiles and Sandy Hook have in common?
Shooting up schoolchildren.
Men should provide their disobedient daughters with their own "milk" instead of letting them use the mother. That will teach those bitches some respect for men. It may even help them get laid later on in life.
Have you heard about the pedophile who was guilty of robbery?
He took a girl's innocence.
If you're ever down one day, just go to the orphanage and bully an orphan because what is he going to do about it? He has no parents.
What’s the difference between a priest and target?
Nothing, they both have children’s pants half off.
What's a priest's favorite toy?
A mute little boy.
When is a rapist safe around children?
When his plans are oven ready.
What do you call a lamp that molests young boys? A Jacko Lantern!
What's a pedophile's favorite holiday?
Halloween. Free delivery!
What's the difference between a PC and a 6 year old? I don't have to clean out my PC.
How do you know you've found a priest? When little Timmy is glued to his crotch.
Why is it okay to hit an orphan?
It's not like it can tell its parents.
Kid: *runs down the street* HELP ME!
Officer: You OK, kid?
Me: Don't worry! He's my nephew, there was a big spider.
Officer: Oh, OK, ma'am. *walks off*
When officer leaves:
Me: *gets whip* What did I say about leaving the basement?
What do you call a party planned by Bill Cosby and Jeffrey Epstein?
A high school pill party.
Why did nobody believe the little girl who got raped?
She said a monster attacked her.