What did sally get for her 18 birthday a brick . Why did she get a brick she h
How did the other 18 COVIDs go unnoticed?
Little red riding hood has to deliver food to her gramma again. She can drive now because she is sixteen. One the way, she accidentally took the wrong way and got to a different forest where her gramma lives now. She found the wrong cottage that looked liked her gramma's home. When she opened the door, she found her younger and older sisters of ages 9, 11, 18, and 22. How old is Little red riding hood?
Why can't a a citizen in communist china especially a chinese male who is between 18 - 29 years old can not buy a box of condoms in a drug store in communist china? Because the condom would be too big for the penis of chinese men in communist china
R. Kelly contracted COVID-19 recently. He was quoted as saying it was the first time he caught a case of anything over 18 in years.
Your Friend: Bro I'm having a movie sleep over tonight. I've invited 17 people wanna come? You: Yeah but why so many people? Your Friend: Because the DVD says only 18+ viewers. You: Dude!!!!
2 times 4 equals 18
mom! (DYM 18)
For all those Simpsons fans out there this one I'm sure you know Abe: It's rotten being old. No one listens to you Lisa: It's awful being a kid. No one listens to you Homer: I'm a white male, aged 18-49. Everyone listens to me-- no matter how dumb my suggestions are
22 remember that 18 year old girl I set u up
with no
Why not To old
What is 9+9? 18. What is 9+10? 19. What is 9+11? -2996
How do you know if a woman that is poor who is between 18 - 24 years old is poor enough to do anything for money to help pay her bills she would be working as a lesbian prostitute inside a lesbian hotel in San Francisco, CA
Have you ever seen that weird ad that pops up at the bottom:sexy Russian babes looking for men older than 30 and there 18 so is it a reverse pedo? O well
Girls being 14, look 18, act 21. Boys 21, look 18 and act 14
What do you call a 18+ animal jam
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