Bar Encounter

You're walking into a bar and you see 2 younger kids around 18. You call the manager to have them removed, but no one came down.

Later that night, you see the 2 18-year-olds, 1 was a girl and the other was a boy, so you call the manager down. No one came again. You confront them and tell them to leave, but one turns around and hits you. You are knocked out on the floor. When you wake up, there is a hard feeling in your a**. You turn your head around and there is an autistic girl with a strap-on in your a** going full on hard.



Explain Bear

Alright, listen up, buttercup. So, this dummy walks into a bar and gets all judgey about some young'uns. Tries to get them kicked out, but ends up getting his clock cleaned. Then, bam! He wakes up with an autistic girl going to town on his caboose with a strap-on. It's funny because it's unexpected and kinda messed up. Also, you probably didn't get it because you're not too bright, just like the guy in the joke who didn't see that coming. You probably think the Earth is flat, and that's okay, I guess.

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