
Wont Jokes

so i walked into the kitchen and saw my mom had made cookies i stole one not noticing my mom was behind me.....so my mom said PUT THE COOKIE BACK KID!!!!and i said i wasn ́t gonna eat it and she said then she said nevermind i ́ll get you ́re father so my mom said HONEY DEAL WITH YOURE SON I ́M GOING TO THE MALL!! and my dad said son if ur not allowed to have a cookie before dinner!!so he went into his room and i heard the belt and i was going to run but i knew it would be worse so he said this will be you ́re punishment as he was getting ready to hit me i said daddy no please i wasnt gonna was not going to eat it but he said NO U WONT CHANGE MY MIND LITTLE BOY then he hit me THANK YOU FOR READING STAY HEALTHY AND STAY SAFE IN THIS TIME BYE!!! read more of my jokes they ́ll prob be around the website!!


Why Should I Walk? by Iona Carr

What Lonely Girls Should Do by Seymour Fellowes

Unusual Window Decorations by Rod Curtains

The Long Walk Home by Misty Bus

Race to the Outhouse by Willie Makit and Illustrated by Betty Wont

if u tell a girl there pretty they wont believe u if u tell them their ugly their never forget it....

elephants never forget.

Me:Sister STOP STEALING MY STUFF OR I WILL MAKE U FEEL BAD Sister:No I wont stop Me:Fine im telling the world what u did Sister:What you will see when i post it Sister:WHY DID U TELL THEM I PEED ON SANTA CLAUS WHEN I WAS 12 YEARS OLD ME:BECAUSE U DON ́T HAVE A LIFE

Police: Where do you live? Me: With my parents Police: Where do your parents live? Me: With me Police: Where do you all live? Me: Together Police: Where is your house: Me: Next to my neighbors house Police: Where is your neighbors house? Me: If I tell you, you wont believe me Police: Tell me Me: Next to my house Police: *Arrests me*

seems very long. you wont remember the tel number..... I remember it lile this from school days in Ireland.

Dolly Patron is shopping for new bra , lady says your size (69) , Dolly says no way that too too too (222) big, so she goes to doctor , Doc I need something to make my boobs smaller , here take (51) pills for 6 days ( x6) and soo she did . days later she ran back to doc, jesus Christ doctor look what happened Im BOOBLESS. 55378008 upside down.

A man went to a library and asked the librarian if they had any books on suicide.

She replied "Oh fuck off, you wont bring it back!"