Why doesn't Barbie ever get pregnant? Because Ken comes in a different box!
Why did the noble gas cry?
Because all his friends Argon.
Why can't the orphan play the game of life? They don't know what a family road trip is. 😆
Why is 10 afraid because it is in the middle of 9/11
Why are people in Japan always skinny?
Because last time there was a Fat Man, a whole city disappeared.
Why was the orphan walking through the neighborhood? I don't know, either. It's not like he has a home to go to.
Why do bees have sticky hair? They always use honeycombs.
Why did Sally fall off the swing? She had no arms. Why couldn't she get up? She had no friends. Knock Knock (Who's there?) Not Sally...
Me: Happy birthday! I got you a Rubix cube! Friend: I hate you. Me: why? Friend: I'm color blind
Why did the depressed person rob a bank? Because you're not killing yourself if a cop does it for you!
Why couldn't the emo kid hang himself?
After eating through his feelings the belt wouldn't fit around his neck
Why dont witches wear underwear?
So they can get a better grip on their broom
A kid walks in late to class, the teacher asks him "why are you late?" and he replies "I was busy throwing pebbles in the lake" Another kid walks in late to class and the teacher asks him "why are you late" and he replies "I was busy throwing pebbles in the lake", The last kid walks in and the teacher says "why are you late?...and why are you wet?" and the kid says back REMEBER MY NAME IS PEBBLES!!
When you suffer from depression and Somebody tells you to just cheer up-- Me: my goodness, what an idea! why didn't i think of this before
Why did little sally fall of the swings? Because she had no arms What did sally get for Christmas? Gloves! Only joking...she still hasn’t opened the box
The average human male walks for five miles, but the gas station is ten miles away. So why does it take fifteen years for my dad to buy cigarettes?
Why did the chicken go to KFC... to visit his family
I was wondering why the ball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
Why do emo people want to be called scene now, the only thing I’ve scene from them is there suicide rate climbing