
Wheres Jokes

Hey guys Billy has this weird disability where when he has sex with someone he says there name really loud. Billy-Hey guys I just got back from my DADS!! Wait what Billy??


IDK if this is a joke or a question but If killing yourself send you to hell where does siting in the waiting room get you?

a man walks into a bar and ends up with a concussion. maybe if he looked where he was going, he wouldn’t have hit that pole.

what do you call 2 octopus that look the same? Itenticale!

Where does a octopus put its money? In a octo-purse

Guy 1: "Tell me a bad pun." Guy 2: "Alright. What's the difference between a tuna fish, a piano, and a tube of glue?" Guy 1: "Ok, that last one was random as heck. What is the difference?" Guy 2: "You can tuna a piano, but you can't piano a tuna." Guy 1: "Ok, where does the glue come in?" Guy 2: "Ah, I knew you'd get stuck on that."


Hi! Welcome to Papa John's abortion clinic where yesterday's meat is todays treat. How may I be of service?