The thing abt 9/11 and the jokes abt it, for most people it flew over their head, for some it flew into their head
Any joke that I make about 9/11 has a tendency to crash and burn.
ever heard of the game t.t.2:9/11? That game was bomb.
I don't like making jokes about 9/11... they tend to crash and burn.
How old are 911 victims ? There toddlers here come the airplane!
I visited the 9/11 memorial, that was bomb just like the towers.
My mom told me we were flying to a building to see my aunt. I wondered, "Are we about to relive 9/11"
9/11 was like the 4th of July. It was very bright in the skies.
What did one twin tower say to the other? "Be back, I gotta catch a plane."
I was fuming when I lost my job as a window cleaner, like who built the twin towers anyway
all go gansta until the two towers fall down on you.
Why are the Twin tower actually twins?
Their birth and death date are the same.
This is a plane 2 for 1 combo to never exist.
But, it's like a plane pizza.
Nothing happens, but it terrorizes me.
Two Twin Towers Topple To Terrorists Terrorizing Twenty To-be-doomed Trip Takers
What could've the Towers done to not start 9/11?
Call 9/1/1.
some one when thought the fly thought for pizza
Did I ever tell you my father should have been on the plane that crashed into the twin towers. But that's just my opinion.
bro stop u guys r saying the same jokes over and over if ur gonna tell a 9/11 joke just go lagh about the great thumps
I'd rate the food in Afghanistan a 9/11. That shit was bomb.
I tried dressing up as the plane that crashed into the Twin Towers for the office costume party.
It didn't land too well.