
Theory Jokes


Outdoor Entertaining by Patty O.

Over the Mountaintop by Hugo First

Plumbing for Idiots by Duane Pipes

Music Theory by Amanda Lynn Player

Meterology 101 By Wendy Reign and Sonny Daze

Oh God By Dixie Rect

Please Dont Stop By Craven Moorehead

Life And Times Of A Porn Star By Dixie Normous

Right Stuff By Dang Lin-Wang

How To Take Care of Your Cat By Connie Lingus

Right Way 2 Orgasm By Buster Cherry

The Unwanted Child By Brooke N Rubbers

My friend says, "Time flies when having fun," so when he was gaming, I threw his clock to test that theory.

I moved all the bibles to the fiction section because there is no god as said Stephen Hawking in 2011 but in 2018 god said there was no Stephen Hawking

Why are quantum physicists so poor at sex? -- Because when they find the position, they can't find the momentum, and when they have the momentum, they can't find the position.