
Support Jokes

Me telling depression and suicide joke in front of my friends. My friends: ........ oh wait i dont have any, so nothin to worry about here.

my friend was on wheelchair......he committed suicide yesterday, I remember when i met him last time he told us a good joke and i appreciated him and i told him to become stand up comedian.

This isn't a joke but

I'm a survivor and use humor to cope. I find these extremely funny so please leave the people writing these alone šŸ˜­

A depressed kid was stuck on a tree, and a man saw the kid

Man: Hang in there! Im gonna get some help!

Two minutes later, the kid literally did what the guy said

RIP Daniel Kyre from Cyndago (July 6, 1994-September 18, 2015)

Daniel commited suicide five years ago today......

i was walking today and i saw a emo with a noose looking up at a tree i simply said " hang on there bud!"

i just wanted to say to never let go of family they are everything never let anyone walk all over you and if you are with me like this quote

A depressed man buys a gun for suicide but then thinks "maybe i shouldn't be doing this" and asks a friend for help. He returns with a rope.

I called a Suicide Helpline, but they didn't help me commit suicide. Tbh they really left me hanging there

My friend was feeling low today so I went up to her and said "You know I would hang in there if I was you, swaying through life" I don't think she likes me now