Recent attempts to defund Special Olympics have organizers scrambling to come up with more corporate sponsorship... targeted companies include:
Bicycle Helmet manufacturers
Velcro Shoe manufacturers
Steven Hawkings Publishers
Recent attempts to defund Special Olympics have organizers scrambling to come up with more corporate sponsorship... targeted companies include:
Bicycle Helmet manufacturers
Velcro Shoe manufacturers
Steven Hawkings Publishers
Alright listen up, dummy. The Special Olympics is a sporting event for people with disabilities, and this joke is riffing on that. The joke is that if the Special Olympics needs sponsors, they should target companies that sell stuff that disabled people need, like Kleenex for drool, Depends for accidents, helmets for head protection, Velcro shoes for people who can't tie laces, and books for... well, Steven Hawking wrote books. Get it now, genius?