yo momma so fat santa said ho ho ho i've gatta go
Your mama so fat she’s on both sides of the family
Marleigh is so fat and ugly
lillys hair line was so fat that charlene could not find it on roblox
charlenes hair kine was so fat that she was so bald and fat
I am not telling you twice your mouth stinks so go burns your house down like a crazy mad women and I will call the cop like WTH because you are so fat
yur hair line was so fat that joe biden could not make it prime minister
You're here like I was so fat fatness Dora the Explorer couldn't find your numbers
brinnia so fat when she stepped o
Your mom is so fat that she can't get internet because she is worldwide.
yo mum so fat, when she telling me her weight i thought she was telling her number
ur mom is so fat that when she went on the scale, it said " i need your weight, not your phone number "
ur mom is so fat that when god said " let there be light, " he asked you to move out the way
your mums so fat when she stands on the scale it says to be continued
yo mama so fat everytime she measures her carbon footprint the website breaks.
yo mama so fat and emo we call her the rock and roll
yo mama so fat she meets every world leader there is
yo mama so fat when she farts its counted as a new gas element
yo mama so fat when she walks the earth talks
yo mama so fat when she was wearing black by a bank which was getting robbed they thought AHH SWAT