So Fat

So Fat Jokes

Yo mama so fat, when she was wearing black by a bank which was getting robbed, they thought, "AHH SWAT!"

Me to bully: You are so fat that when the satellite took the picture, you were considered as an island.

Bully: (Speechless)

Yo mama so fat she didn't just cross the border she crossed ALL The borders

short version: yo mama so fat she touches every border

Your momma is so fat, when she got in the Pacific, she became the Pacific Ocean.

Your mama's so ugly, she got everything for free.

You're so skinny you're a thin stick You're so fat that when you got in Pacific Ocean you became the Pacific Ocean You're so ugly you got stuff for free You're so nasty that when you eat spaghetti you thought it was throw up You're so fat you're the fattest person on Earth You are so gay you kiss the boy last night

yo mom so fat i went over to her house a few years ago and wanted to watch tv

so i asked for the tv remote and shes still trying to get it