
Skeleton Jokes

Sans:pap you're spaghetti is bonearific.paprus: sans no. Aw you're funny Bone is not working come on that one was a rib tickler

Papyrus:You are so lazy sans! Sans:Call me what you want.I got THICK SKIN! Pap:Another bad joke and I'm finished with him!! Frisk:HAHAHA Pap:we are monsters.The awfulest kind! Sans:to mess with us takes a lot of SPINE!!!

Why couldn't the skeleton go to the prom, because he had no BODY to go with.... i could have said a skeleTON more jokes.. but i think that might brake your funny bone

- What did the skeleton say to his friend? - Actually... TIBIA honest i don't know how to complete this joke...

What did one skeleton say to the other? skeleton1:"I need a hand!" skeleton2:(Throws up hand) skeleton1: "That wasn't very humerus." skeleton2: "Why do you have to be so heartless." skeleton1: "At least I had the guts to tell you"