Short jokes

Short Jokes

Guy 1: "Stop looking at my ass!" Guy 2: "I said look at Uranus." Guy 1: "I'm looking at uranus!" Guy 2: "I said Uranus like the planet!" Guy 1: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Pain. Gained. Anxiety. Fulfilled. Insomnia. Depression. Always with me. Happiness... The one thing I can't have.

What is the difference between a tall kid and an orphan? One is tall enough that their parents can see them.

I bought a guh on the weekend.

(what's a guh?)


What do kidnappers and Mickey Mouse have in common? They say, "Come inside, itโ€™s fun inside."

Rape joke are so incredibly afensive to stupid women like me who donโ€™t understand what comedy is


I saw some kid following me, so I told him to go back to his family.

Orphan: "What family?"

Why are orphans always on the toilet? Because they don't have anyone to give him some toilet paper!