
Refrigerator Jokes

"Why did Susie fall off the swing?" "Because she had no arms."

"Why couldn’t she get up off the ground?" "Because she had no friends."

"Knock knock." "Who’s there?" "Not Susie, she’s still on the ground."

"Where did Susie go when the bomb went off?" "Everywhere."

"Why couldn’t Susie scratch her leg?" "Because it was in a different body bag."

"Why did Susie drop her ice cream?" "She was hit by a bus."

"Why did Susie fall off the swing?" "Someone threw a refrigerator at her."


is your refrigerator running ''yeah i guess'' well you better go catch it haha im girl it funny

What is the difference between a gay man and a refrigerator?

A refrigerator doesn’t fart when you pull the meat out.

I told my mum the refrigerator was running, so she got dressed and ran after it...


What's the difference between a refrigerator and a gay guy? You have to ask permission before stuffing it with meat.

What’s the difference between a baby and a refrigerator? The refrigerator doesn’t squeal when I put my meat in it.


Time for a story: There are 500 bricks on a plane, one falls off. How many are left? 499.

What are the 3 steps to putting an elephant in a refrigerator? Open fridge, put in elephant, close fridge.

What are the 4 steps to putting a giraffe in a fridge? Open fridge, take out elephant, put in giraffe, close fridge.

The lion king is having a birthday party. All the animals attend except one, who is it? Giraffe, he's stuck in the fridge.

Sally wants to cross an alligator infested river. There is no bridge and the only way she can get across is by swimming. She swims across safely, how? The alligators where at the birthday party.

Sally dies anyway. How? She got hit in the head by a flying brick.