The Toaster, otherwise known as the ultimate bath bomb.
What kind of Bath Bomb does a Emo Person use?
A Toaster
What is red and very rare?
A child in a blender.
What's white, red, and screams a lot? A baby in a blender.
How do you get a baby into a small bowl? A blender. How do you get it out? Tostito chips.
What do you get when you put a baby in a blender?
A boner.
how did you get sally into a blender? -without much resistance how do you get sally out of a blender? -tortilla chips
What do dead babies amd fruit have in common? Both can become smoothies with the help of a blender!
How do you fit a whale inside a car? A blender.
Why do brides wear white?
So the match the kitchen appliances