The Toaster, otherwise known as the ultimate bath bomb.
What's red and green and goes 100 miles per hour? A frog in a blender.
What's green then red all over and goes 100mph?
A frog in a blender.
What is red and white and goes 200 mph?
A baby in a blender.
The most confusing day of my life was when I found out my toaster was waterproof.
What kind of bath bomb does an emo person use?
A toaster.
What did the mayonnaise say when the refrigerator door was opened? Close the door, I'm dressing.
What's red, green, and goes 90 miles an hour?
A frog in a blender.
What is red and very rare?
A child in a blender.
Say "toast" three times. Spell "toast" three times. What do you put in a toaster? The answer?
What's white, red, and screams a lot? A baby in a blender.
Two muffins are in an oven. One muffin says to the other, "Man, it's hot in here!"
The other muffin says, "OH MY GOSH A TALKING MUFFIN!!!!"
How do you get a baby into a small bowl?
A blender.
How do you get it out? Tostito chips.
What do you get when you put a baby in a blender?
A boner.
How did you get Sally into a blender?
- Without much resistance.
How do you get Sally out of a blender?
- Tortilla chips.
Fun fact: Toasters were originally called tanning breads!
What do dead babies and fruit have in common? Both can become smoothies with the help of a blender!
Leprechauns are stupid. No joke.
Are you a toaster?
Why was an oven so smart?
It had 70 degrees.
I jump and jump if you put bread in me too many times. What am I? A toaster.