
Realisation Jokes

I was doing a magic show, i tried to make a bunny disappear but it didn’t work. I walked outside in shame, i looked up and realised the towers had disappeared!!!!

2 people about to have sex realise they have no lube. In their desperate, horny haste they looked for the nearest Downy and asked it " speak into my hand. "

Upon their return to the bed they regretted it immediately because his dick just stayed down...

I went to China and said I have a big cock so they thought I said they look like a cock then I realised I said it in English

For a while lead was used in pencils but ... we realised that it might not have been the smartest idea because it lead (badoom ching) to some people getting lead poisoning.

I was listening to some Drake in class. My teacher shouted to turn it off. She then exclaimed that “Drake is mid and his music is very Pessi” I didn’t understand the meaning until I checked the dictionary and realised it is a synonym for overrated

I asked my now ex boyfriend why he’s scared of my cat. He said it was because of the scratches on my arm.

I told him that my cat doesn’t scratch, but he didn’t believe me. He realised what I meant when he noticed I kept hiding my wrist from everyone else.

(Kinda based on the fact that my ex is indeed scared of cats, and he has been scared of my cat so yeah 😂)

When I went to basketball training, there was a giant bag of basketballs on the floor

My friend was like "that's a huge sack of balls."

He didn't realise what was about to happen.

"Thats what she said"