Ran away

Ran Away Jokes

two lesbians adopted a cat that night the cat ran away why ?

because it heard one say i'm gonna eat that pussy


I used to be a banker but I lost interest...

Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team? She always ran away from the ball.

Why can’t bikes stand? Because they are two tired (Too tired)

Did you hear about the cheetah who robbed a bank? He ran away so fast he almost got away with it, but he was spotted.

I was setting a voice recognition password for my new phone and a dog nearby barked and ran away. Now I'm still looking for that dog to unlock my phone.

My friend had an allergic reaction after he ate a peanut. We got his EpiPen to help him when penaldo appeared because he heard the word PEN. He tried stealing the pen but I said "no pens for you". And “brentford”.He cried and ran away. Shame on you penaldo the fraud.

2 boys were at a lake and they went to a bush and saw a naked lady, one ran away, the other one followed the one who ran and asked why he ran, the boy answered, "My mum told me if I saw a naked lady I would turn to stone, I ran away because I felt something get hard"

A Boy in nursery asked a girl out. She ran away crying in fear. So he just went back to teaching

did you hear about the orphan who ran away from home? wait a minute! what am i talking about?

Short girl: "How do you see up there?"

Tall guy: "Who said that?"

I spit my drink out and then ran away.