
Orphanage Jokes

so i was walking around the outside of the buliding and i saw a kid and asked “where’s your parents” I love working at the orphanage

Why can’t orphans play baseball they ant got got no home to run to Why can’t England people play chess they ant got no queen

My bro’s parents died but he didn’t know why.

Turns out they died because he was a failure and he would be going to an orphanage in 4 days

Here’s what I did to the kids at the orphanage. I dropkicked 12, lit 10 on fire, comboe’d 9 punched 3 and murdered 1.

. . __________

I went up to a orphan bully and I said"here look I made a website" the orphan likes it but the kid says"I forgot one feature tho.the home button.