What is a government mandate?
When Obama and Biden go out to dinner together.
What is a government mandate?
When Obama and Biden go out to dinner together.
President Joesph Biden said during the first presidential debate of the 2024 presidential election that he does not debate as well as he used to, Mr. Biden also can't think as well as he used to either but then again when Mr. Biden was a United States senator in the state of Deleware he never could think because thinking was never one of his strengths and that is the reason why Mr. Biden became President Obama's vice president in the first place oh well that's politics
What record did Obama proved during his presidency No matter how far a brotha gets in life he’ll still be in government housing
What’s one thing Obama proved during his presidency
No matter how far a brotha gets in life, he’s still going to have the cops on his back
Hillary Clinton lost last time to the first African American president, Barack Obama. Why will she lose this one to Donald Trump?
Because orange is the new black.
What war did the black community win
The Obama era. Only to lose to a smarter white person
Conservatives hate Barack Obama and transgender people for the same exact reason.
They hate change.
What is the difference between Obama and Osama? Osama didn't kill innocent civilians with missile strikes.
What do you get if you cross Hilary Clinton and Barrack Obama. A blonde n1gger cunt
Who is Osama Binladen’s secret cousin? Barrack Obama or Barrack Osama BinLaden
What did Obama ask Trump
I will like to thank my favourite President Barack Obama sorry Barack Obama and my uncle Obama bin Laden I mean Osama bin Laden sorry hummus in my throat
Obama: It smells like upnigga in here... Trump: What's upnigga Obama: Omg did you say the n word?? Die!!!
What's the difference between Obama and trump? Obama was a president and trump was a whiney bitch!
Roses are red Obama is well spoken im sorry sir but the ice cream machine is broken