No one

No One Jokes

Teachers: when ever there’s a school shooting hide under the desk Students: hiding under desk Shooter: Well no ones in here

What’s a lung’s favorite type of exercise

Breathing exercises

I told this to my English teacher and he said it to the class and no one laughed someone help)

Sara's Mom was helping her prepare for her drivers test. Mom: Okay, any questions? Sara: Yes. I actally don't know what "yield " means Mom:Don't worry Hon. No one does.

If I ever stuff up a post, please let me be. I do have ADHD, short term memory disorder and dyscalculia so please remember that no-one likes to be picked on for things that they can't control.

huh im really pissed of no matter how many jokes i make no one likes them😭😭:'(:':😔😔😿💔💔👇👇:(