I know I've changed my name from tj to selfish king but know it's gunna be selfishking#781.
Is there a really annoying girl at your school and she's so fake? Well, say this:
Me: Hey, I have a nickname for you.
Her: Really? What?
Me: Sweet-in-low.
Her: Why?
Me: Because you're artificial.
Why did the orphan become a prostitude? So they could finally call someone daddy
"My name is Dezz."
What’s an orphan's high school nickname?
Lone stone.
What do you call a piece of paper? A piece of paper
I'm bored. If you want to friend me in Roblox, my username is Talitha95g and my nickname is talithafromamirica.
I have an Uncle named Ricky, who made ur mom sticky.
His dad calls him pricky and everyone begs for his dicky.
What do u call a person called zaid? Zait and za3tar. lol
So a man asked another man, "What's your name?"
He says, "What's it to ya?"
So the guy asked again, "And he says what's it to ya?"
Come to find out his name was What's It To Ya.
When a stranger keeps telling kids to kill themselves AKA the Stigg.
What was the nickname for the knight who ruled the fort?
What do you call a cutta with ginger hair?
Flinn Taylor.
We have a teacher in school. His name is Haybrock, but he is gay, so we call him Gaybrock.
Your forehead is so big that your name is Humpty Dumpty, the big forehead!
Stinky Steve.
Craig's name is now Craig William Duncan "Froo."
Okay, Gwen, I'll be offline for a while... so if anyone by my name types anything, it's a fake. The only way you know it's me is if I say one of my nicknames. Okay, so yeah, take care of my account while I'm gone. BYE!!!!
It's ya boy Dixbfloppin!
What do you call Snoop Dogg’s giant turd?
Poop Logg.