NASA Jokes

A NASA scientist is sitting in a bar when a Martian walks in and orders a martini. The NASA scientist quickly realizes he is dreaming and wakes up. He turns to his wife and tries to explain the dream, but she rolls over and ignores him because she is tired of listening to him. The NASA scientist begins to sob because his marriage is in shambles. lmao

Some of you people on here are complete incels and need to learn how to spell/ properly construct simplistic grammatical sentences that actually make sense

_Everyone:_ What does NASA mean ? _NASA's response:_ National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

_Everyone:_ What does NASA mean ? _Arinator's response:_ National Ariana and Space Ariana.


How Jupiter was discovered.once there was a fat lady who farted yellow,orange,and peache.all that fart went to space and created a planet that nasa sall and went over their there but it smelled really bad

Yo mama so tall!!! when she wake up from her bed she stands up and found NASA beside her face, and she thinks it's a fly!!!