Why didn't the newest Star Wars movie start with the classic scrawl? Because it was a Rogue One!
I'm making a new movie, it's called "veggie tale's" My star actor is Stephen Hawking's
How many shades of gray does it take to make a dirty movie?
why does a movie set say break a leg? because they have a CAST
If adolf starred in the room, his most iconic line would be “I did not Hitler” I did not
What was the movie about the dog called?
The woof of wall street
I found Nemo.
He was tasty.
Do you know the shortest joke about Titanic? -*Splash*
What do you call a fight between an illegal immigrant and a pedophile? Alien vs Predator.
I don't understand why in horror movies they make digging a grave look so easy, It usually takes me days
New horror movie idea.
The main character loves anime. The killer yells "Omae wa mou shindeiru." The main character instinctively yells back "NANI???" and is killed.
what has three balls and flys through space?
E.T. the extra testicle
Does anyone know Wakanda movie is Black Panther?
If an illegal immigrant fights against a child molester, would that be "Alien vs Predator"?
"I think Hannibal Lecter is soooo sexy.... I'd like him to eat me."
There's a movie about constipation. It hasn't come out yet.
What movie do atheists watch for Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th Street
I love how in horror movies the person calls out, "Hello," as if the psycho will answer, "Hey, what's up? I'm in the kitchen. Want a sandwich?"
Did you hear about the new Exorcist movie? The Devil came to get the Priest out of the child.
They finally made a movie about a clock, about time