What's the difference between Stephen Hawking and a baby? The baby is still alive.
Hey, did you know that Stephen Hawking predicted the end of the world?
Well, not really. He predicted the end of *his* world.
People say that life is short.
I say... life is the longest thing we ever do.
Dark humor never gets old, just like children with cancer.
These jokes are nearly as dead as Steven Hawkings.
An apple a day, or you'll die anyway.
You know every time we think of sex, an angel dies.
We ran out of dead people hundreds of years ago.
Dark Humor is like a child with cancer. It never gets old.
Why didn't the kid cancer patients like his joke?
He said, "You'll understand when you get older!"
A good bath is like a dead lover.
You can enjoy them, that is until they get too cold.
My friends used to poke me at weddings and say, "You're next."
So I started poking them at funerals and saying, "You're next" to my friends.
What do you call a man in the ground? A dead guy.
What's worse than a dead baby?
A pile of dead babies. What's worse than that? The one on the bottom is alive. And what's worst than that is, the baby has to eat its way out.
Dead baby jokes never get old...
New study reveals that women slightly overweight live longer... than the men who mention it.